Feb 29, 2012

February, my good friend

Today marks the additional day of the year (which makes 2012 a leap year) and also the last day of the month (which makes me guilty for not making even a single post). I've always been thinking of doing an update but the sloth in me knockouts the thought. So, to compensate, a brief post of hap/s for this month with a number of photos will do.

(at Tiny Kitchen, 2-4-2012)
(here comes the food)
The first weekend of the month had a lot to do with food and friendship. Those two persons who were with me have been my confidantes since the world began, my real sister, Kikits (notice how we look alike) and my best friend, Krissie (my sister from another mother).
The three of us share a common love: tea and food.

(at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf 2-10-2012)
Jamz, Ilai, and I
We often see each other on Friday nights at coffee shops and the like since it's the only time our schedules meet. I feel really blessed to have met these ladies more than 8 years ago.

(at Grand Emperor Seafood Palace, Valentines Date)
Involves family and food.
They have saved me from the lonesome days of the year, annual Valentine's date with the family is always a better manifestation of love. Always.

(Ash Wednesday)
Photo was taken at Maitre Chocolatier, a time for the start of fasting yet Krissie and I celebrated our Bestfriendship Day, so we feasted on food. Guilt is crawling through me so I will not show photos on of our glutton session.

(at Green Coffee 2-24-2012)
My siblings, along with my best friend.
We first had dinner at Lachi's and had a little fozen yogurt at Yoh Froz before we headed to this place. I love being with these people. They bring out the worst and the best in me. I love us :)

A few days ago, I had my first taste of one of these:
the pistachio-flavored gelato was the one we bought. I just couldn't fathom it's unbelievably expensive price! It is way more expensive than your regular ice cream like Selecta/Magnolia/Allegro! Ha-ha-ha
But because it is ice cream and it is food, it must be understood and forgiven.

If you've noticed, the month was mostly about food and who I gobble it with. Food is essential. Food is life. But food must not get in the way of living a healthy life. Which forces me to go on a diet for the month of March. Hahaha!
Happy first of March!
(it is past midnight and I still have work tomorrow! good night!)