Jun 5, 2009

what a show!

last night was... exhausting. i knew it would happen, but last night was too soon! well i know it would have been better if it happened earlier than last night. last month perhaps? or earlier? but i didn't have the courage to do what my sister just did.
but i was thankful. thanks to my very amazing sister, kaka. i love you, b*tch.

well, it was quite a show. the house became silent and just listened to what my sister and my father have to say. okay, i was butting in but i was always stopped. so i just calmed down and listened. but still butting in when i get the chance (how annoying)

i think my sister was a bit pressured to do that. maybe because she's the oldest among us and i was telling my siblings that we should get out of this house as soon as we can and make our father feel that he's a total loser, that he should have done something before and has to do something before it's too late. well of course he should, if he wants to save this family.

okay, so you might not get what exactly i am talking about.
let me give you a recap of things.
hmm. maybe not.

so ya, i was convincing all of us, including myself that if we don't do anything about this, nothing good's gonna happen. so i bet kaka had the courage to do the confrontation herself.

my dad explained about: money, women, more women, my mother, our situation, and the like.
my sister was so good. stuttering was part of the story, of course. but if it was me who did it, i might have cried while talking (which i already did while butting in) and nothing good would have come out. my younger siblings were also there, just listening. i was just drinking tea at the corner, absorbing every word i hear. kikitz(younger sister) was sitting beside me, with tears falling down. my brother was at the bathroom but joined us at the dining table and just ate his supper, solo.

what a talk. my sister was facing my father while asking some stuff while i can't even look at him! how brave was that? or there was just too much anger inside of me that looking at him was a thing i can't take at the moment.

i woke up at 3 in the morning and didn't get the chance to go back to sleep. today's gonna be a disaster. i'll be the zombie of the 5th of June, walking around town.

enrollment is a shit nobody wants to go through. well, at my school.


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