Jan 25, 2010

That's what I call 10 minutes ago

Jan. 25
The past few days of my life weren't really my kinda days. I failed my quizzes in Cost Accounting, Theology, Auditing Theories, and haven't spent a whole day at home. I was at school the whole week, last week. I just felt the exhaustion today.

Me and my group mates have already started doing our project in Theology 131, a documentary on premarital sex, and we've already interviewed 3 persons, a lady who's been living outside of the country for years now (thanks to Skype), a man who got a girl impregnated (now a father) but didn't really marry the girl and he now has a boyfriend, and lastly, a Jesuit.

The real point is, I haven't really digested the information that I got from them and until now, I am :|

Jan. 27
Bromance on the way to school, that was cool :D

I really haven't thought of anything to write in here. Now, I am thinking of putting this blog away, like, having it canceled or deleted or... just abandon this. But it's been a year of having this, so maybe I should just go on and tell everyone that this is still a happy world, eh?

This song has been going through my mind yesterday maybe because of it's music video. Doesn't make sense at all, I wonder why I even tried to watch it. Anyway, the music's good.

Goodbye – Juana Music Code

I wanna throw my fone at my sister's head, she's sleeping at the sofa and snoring, and maybe doing it is a good way of waking her up.

Fvck, I can't write anything. This shit is boring.

I want to floss. Get rid of some shit.

*I promise to take my studies seriously and I mean it.
I always mean what I say.

I am missing a lot of my friends. I gotta do some catching up with those who'd still want to catch up on me. Missing a bit of high school, just a bit.

*There's gotta be more to life.
Have a pleasant week, everyone.

Jan 7, 2010

I Got No New Year's Resolutions?


Today's the 7th day of the year and almost the 8th. But is it really a new year for me? They say the new year is the perfect time to a better beginning, a start of something new, perhaps. But is it?

2009 was a good year for me, things turned out well, prelim grades were yet to be announced (so I saved 2010 to mourn for them), the family has become a bit better, good friends were there for me, found new friends along the way, good friends were there to stay, and I stayed sane for the rest of the year. That was quite an achievement.

It has been a "tradition" among us to make a new year's resolution at this time of the year (maybe now is too late, so I say before the year has to end) and I think I haven't even thought of one. I don't really do new year's resolutions, I just leave them and forget about them the moment I feel that they're somehow, useless.

This could be an example:
1) This year, I am going to lose weight. - (Fvck my ass! I've got to lose my bones for this!)
or I am going to gain weight. - (this is one of my best friend's resolutions :D)

But what if at the end of the year you'll find out that nothing's changed or it turned out that what happened was the opposite? What are you gonna do? Tell yourself you're sorry? And what? Try again next year? Better fvck next time, then!

Yes, see how my mind works? The start of the year makes my mind go craptastic. It makes me think of what I've done during the past year like telling me how I svck over and over again, and that I could have been better. Thanks to my pea-brain.

But anyhow, I am looking forward to what's going to happen this year. I love surprises, it scares the shit out of me.

May we be blessed throughout the year!

Jan 1, 2010

We're more than a couple, We're BEST-FRIENDS!


As the year starts, I want to blog about my very pretty, witty, sexy and adorable best friend who's always been there for me through the odd and good times. (you know who you are, and if you're reading this, don't get too flattered sick-o :P)

Last night was New Year's Eve, and it so happened that my very good old friends from the neighborhood came to our house and sorta dragged me to visit some of our old friends (and some new cause I don't remember seeing them since the last time I went down the area) down the village. It was fun cause it's been a long time since I went there to hang out with my 'kuyas and ates' since my "yagit" stage.

As we were on the way to a neighbor's house, I've noticed new people, newly-built houses and grown-up kiddos of my age. It was fun.

Moving on, as we were already inside the house (actually, at the garage?) of the neighbor whom I don't even know, we spent the time reconnecting with our good old neighbors. We talked about things and more things, relationships, and some things of the past. And they were glad because after a long time. we were able to visit them down the

But this thing disturbed me for a while. One of my guy neighbors asked me if I had a boyfriend, so I said no. So he told me that he's been seeing me for some time now walking and passing at their house and that I was with a girl, whom he concluded right away that she was my "girlfriend" and I told him, that that was my best friend. So he asked me if that girl was a lesbian, and I answered no, asked me again if I was a lesbian, and again, I said no. He said "good."

I was quite disappointed and maybe insulted in that situation, being called a lesbian, especially my best friend. I hate it when some people think that we're a lesbian couple, when in fact, WE ARE NOT. Yes, we're not. And yes, we're best friends. I just don't understand why these people automatically conclude in their friggin brains that two people of the same sex who are super close and I mean really close are a lesbian/gay couple already. Don't they understand that best friends do exist in this world?

I've learned from a friend that she also know some people who've been "v
ictims" of these narrow-minded morons who put malice to relationships of close friends or best friends.

On the other hand, I feel sorry for these people because they don't appreciate the feeling of having a best friend, having someone whom you can talk to about anything under the sun, someone who'll always be there to help you no matter how hard it's gonna be, some one whom you can call in the middle of the night and talk about your bad dreams, a pe
rson whom your parents trust and consider as family, and et cetera. There are a lot of things that they miss, especially the fun. These things may be present in a romantic relationship with your boyfriend/girlfriend but I think it is a lot different and better when you have a best friend.

So, as you may have read, I have a best friend. And, I am very lucky and blessed that I have her. She's a sister, mother, father, brother, friend, and a critic, all rolled into one. Now tell me how lucky I am. We do a lot
of things together, and I mean a lot. We've even taken a bath together (I did this with my 4th grade close friend also whom I thought was my best friend during those times), eat together, shop together, hold hands while walking, and a lot more. Maybe some people feel lonely because you have to cut the romantic part in this relationship. But me and my best friend say "I love you" every time we can, give ourselves a hug every time we see each other, and even kiss (which I also do with my other close friends) on the lips. Okay, not that kissing that you have in mind that boy/girlfriends do.

The point of the whole thing is, best friends do exist in this planet. And to all of you who have best friends, treasure them and love them. A lot of people are looking for a real, best friend, so consider yourself lucky an
d blessed. Thank the Big Guy up there for giving you one of the best gifts, a true and genuine best friend.

I love you, Krissie Quejadas, my best friend. :)

PS We've been best friends for 21 months and been friends for more than 2 yrs now :)