I have a number of pending blog post titles or simple ideas inside my, err, fake memory card. I can only take note of it when I have something near me that's good enough to be vandalized, just not my hand in that case. But if you might have noticed, I've only written a few blog entries in here, and I have the best answers for that.
First, I usually get ideas inside the bathroom/comfort room. My imagination works really well inside this place. It is very relaxing which is a very good place to think about a lot of things. I can think of anything, from movies, friends, life experiences, craptastic moments, and etc. Now, the moment I get out of it, ideas don't come out with me. Instead, they stay in the bathroom and the moment I come back, they're not there anymore.
Second, I also get really interesting topics/ideas for blog posts when I am about to sleep, The mind usually wanders during these moments, especially when I pray (which I rarely do) and when I am just closing my eyes, waiting for me to sleep. I love it when I remember things that have given me a good laugh or made me feel fvcking crazy even just for a while. The problem is, falling asleep makes me forget a lot of things, and that includes blog ideas.
Third, I love jeepney rides because they make me feel like I have all the time for myself, and of course, ideas also come out during these times of my life. I take a jeepney ride almost 12 times a week, so that would mean about 12 blog post ideas. But the thing is, the moment I step out of the vehicle and reach my destination, my ideas remain inside the jeepney and, yea, fvck my life.
See how pathetic my brain works? It doesn't even take note of things that make my life more worth living. Screw me and my forgetful pea-brain.
Have a happy life, cause life's great!
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