Apr 23, 2010

yes, You've Caught My Attention


Last night as I was wasting my time doing nothing in the internet, I came across the Yahoo Philippines' homepage right after signing out from my mail. So what appears on its homepage? They have their  headlines for today, a column for favorites, more news, some advertisements and some other stuff. But what caught my attention the most was their popular searches at the upper-right part of the page.

That thing in red caught my attention the most, the word 'Jejemon'. Yesterday, it was at the top 2 of their popular searches, but now it descended to the third place. And unsurprisingly, it is also included in their headline news (if that's what it's called) for today.

And because curiosity has taken over me, I clicked on the link: Are you a 'Jejemon'? http://ph.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100422210823AAsB68w
Now, if you try to click on it, it will give you a wider knowledge about this thing that they call JEJEMONS.

I don't really care if this group of persons doing this way of typing an sms (or whatever that there is to type) will continue to annoy me forever. What has become more annoying for me these past few days are the people who condemn these jejemons. They've made a fan page against jejemons, post bad things about them, and condemn them as if they aren't human beings who know how to read and write. And it's as if these anti-jejemons haven't experienced typing that way (or if not, as if they don't have friends who do it that way) or just whatever. Why can't they just go on with their lives and leave those people-who-type-as-if-they-know-nothing-about-correct-spelling alone? These anti-jejemons are acting as if they're superior from these jejemons and as if they know the correct spelling of all the fvcking words in the English Dictionary!

They piss me off more than these jejemons, I'm sorry to say that. Of course, I do get annoyed reading stuff especially text messages typed the way they do because it's just inappropriate and really very annoying. Sometimes that is the reason why I don't get to read the whole message if it's typed that way and yeah, I do spell the words correctly (I bet) in my text messages (yes, no shortcuts for me) because some people get the wrong idea with misspelled words, just like me. But why condemn these people to death? It just ain't right. OK, enough about it.

*Fvck summer classes! You're ruining my vacation!

Here I go again, doing what I do best - RANTING.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone! :D

Apr 11, 2010

What About Death?


click photo source

I've often dreamt about death, a friend's death, my parents', siblings', and of course, my death. And whenever I wake up from these dreams, I always find myself crying in bed. Sad because it seem so real while I was sleeping and at the same time, happy because God has given me another day to live. After wiping my tears off, I get up and check my family if they're still breathing.

The truth is, I've always been thinking about my death. What could happen next the moment I die? Will I become like those ghosts who show themselves to different persons? Or will I go to heaven? Will it be peaceful? I've got a lot of questions to ask about death yet no one could really answer them for me because I cannot just talk to a dead person or a ghost and yea, it would scare me to death, so I wouldn't bother. And I'm not yet ready to die. I've never thought of suicide or putting an end to my life. I'm too afraid to do it myself, and there's no backing out in death.

I also think about it even when I'm awake. And it scares me, the feelings get mixed up. Thinking about leaving my family and friends forever is something I'm not ready to do yet, not this time. I haven't done so much about my life yet, I have my dreams, aspirations and I feel like I haven't lived my life to the fullest :)

Before I die, I have a to-do list and this is not in order:
1. a world tour (ok, I am faaaar from a celebrity or a singer who goes on tour, but I do want to do this before I leave the planet)
2. a job after I graduate ( and become successful in it, of course)
3. to become a lawyer? I've always wanted to become one but.... :)
4. I have to become rich first before I get to have number 1 on my list
5. I badly want to have a car, my own car
6. a house? a home :)
7. to give my parents back what they deserve to have ( this should go 1st, I believe)
8. help the family
9. a boyfriend? errr.. lol
10. marry (uhh? :D)
11. get myself a good camera
12. say sorry to everyone whom I've hurt and make peace with them
13. thank everyone whom I've met along the way who helped me become who I am
14. ........

These are the only things that I can think of at the moment, but I know I can make the list go longer because I still want to do a lot of things before I die.

And I am still a virgin, you know what that means. (laugh, laugh, laugh)

Classes begin tomorrow, and I might be a little busy for the next six weeks but I'll still try to update you, blog,

Live your Life! :D
Enjoy the week!

Apr 9, 2010

Fucked Up Plan

Do you know how it feels when you've planned and prepared for this one event then it gets fvcked up on the day? FML

Today, I was supposed to hangout with my closest high school friends. I've planned about it a few days ago cause I badly miss them and we haven't spoken to each other for a while now. So I told them to come over to my place and I'll take care of the 'drinks' and they can just bring some food.

But just last night, one of them said that she wouldn't be able to make it because of her sudden trip to some place, And so I said it was OK, cause the others can still come. So, the moment I woke up, I sent a text to everyone of they're really coming just to make sure.

You already know what comes next.

I just feel so fvcked up.

It's just that I've waited for this time for us to get together and then it gets canceled because of some reasons. Seems like they're not taking it seriously. I just feel so bad about it. It's not like this never happened before, cause I've also organized a get together for us 5months ago and the same thing happened, but this time it feels a lot more awful.

Yes, I just want to rant about it.

Have a pleasant weekend :)

Apr 8, 2010


Just when I finished writing a loooong blogpost to give a little update, the webpage crashed without saving what I've written. FML even more

*Have a great day ahead of you.