Jul 10, 2010

Unhealthy Eyes, Unhealthy Me

All my life, I've always thought that I was healthy. Excluding that time when I went mad and insisted that I had to have myself checked thinking I had Hepatitis because of my very unhealthy skin color. But for the most part of my life, I thought I was healthy. I've never been admitted to a hospital as much as I could remember.
Until the 22nd of last month, I decided to have myself checked, specifically, my left eye. I've noticed that the lower lid of my left eye began to hurt. There's a specific spot where the pain was coming from. Days later, that part began to swell and pus became visible. And so, I told my mom that I had to visit the doctor immediately. I panicked.
After waiting for some time, it was my turn for some tests. The assistant led me to a machine where I was made to look at some image of something inside it, I didn't ask what it was for. Then she asked me if I've put something on my eye and on the swollen part, I only said I used EyeMo (red) for four days already, but didn't tell her that I've put some ointment (asked some from my classmate). She's also asked me if I've worn eyeglasses, I answered no, firmly.
After some minutes of waiting, the assistant called me again to see the doctor. It was my first time to see an Opthalmologist, having no history of any eye disorder until then. I went through more tests, he told me that he'll be using different machines for checking my eye like having that very bright yellow light pass by my sight not staring at it, staring at some small image like that of the assistant's, and others which I wish I remembered but I couldn't.
After all those tests that I've gone through, he finally told me that I have Chalazion (the swelling) and MYOPIA (nearsightedness). The chalazion was brought about by some bacteria and caused the infection. I was more interested with the myopia thing. The doctor explained to me everything that I needed to know about what's happened to my eyes and gave me a list of eye ointments to stop and heal the swelling. As for my myopia, he didn't tell me to use eyeglasses because I can still tolerate the disorder, my eyes can still adjust to it. Right eye has a grade of about 100, and the left is much lesser.
 My prescribed medications for 7 days
mine was at the left eye, lower lid nearer to the nose
my other disorder which has caused me to walk with my head down, eyes glued on the floor to refrain from staring at anyone's faces and squinting and saying hi to the wrong persons :D
what was required for me to do
receipt which meant expenses
and of course, the doctor's name.
But the doctor has suggested for me to see him again after 6 months to have my eyes checked and see if my myopia gets worse. If that happens, he might prescribe eyeglasses for me to wear. I hope not.



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