Jun 26, 2011

Haps that have Happed part 1

February of 2011
I recall, was one of the busiest months of the year (as of today) since it was the time of last-school-requirements completion and compilation month. Cramming is the best word to describe it. Unplanned sleepovers-that-never-were occurred pretty often just to be at pace with the demands of the academe.
I now find it difficult to blog about Feb and need the help of photographs to keep this post going.
This happened to be one of the most precious events of those times, sleep, which was barely available and this just proved how productive sleepovers were: I got a final grade of 90 in my Mgt Consultancy subject. Yes, I am happy like that.
 Early February, a week after the annual jobs fair at school, I happened to receive a call from a bank informing me that I am one of the chosen applicants to take their pre-employment exam. The funny part was the night before the call, I was out for a despedida party of a former classmate and  got home drunk. They rang first at around 10am and decided not to take the call knowing that I was still slightly intoxicated that time.

 14th of Feb, I had a date with my best friend at Tiny Kitchen, realized that it would be our last year and V-day together at school. The day didn't end without a date with my family, just a dinner at Coco's.
This photo was taken at the Crocodile Park, still part of a school requirement (Feasibility Study). Holding an albino python wasn't really part of the plan since our (my groupmates: Joan Carla Catacutan, Jhesyl Palanca, and Benjamin Fajardo III, and I) purpose was to know the price range of the different recreational/outdoor activities that were being offered in there. But since it was there already when we were on our way out, we figured that we had to avail it cause it may not happen again.


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