Not everyone has a best friend of their own.So it would probably mean that not everyone in this world knows how this kind of relationship work. So I've decided to write about it to share what I know about having one. So, I have a best friend and we do a lot of things together. But not everyone understands that a best friend is a real thing, like a big deal in someone's life. Before we get into the details, I've found some definitions of the words "best friend":
Best Friend, someone (singular) with whom one shares the strongest possible kind of friendship(s). from: wikipedia
And there's like a million of definitions from, but here's their number 1 definition
Best Friends are very special people in your life. They are the first people you think about when you make plans. They are the first people you go to when you need someone to talk to. You will phone them up just to talk about nothing, or the most important things in your life. When you’re sad they will try their hardest to cheer you up. They give the best hugs in the world! They are the shoulder to cry on, because you know that they truly care about you. In most cases they would take a bullet for you, coz it would be too painful to watch you get hurt. 2 Girl best friends: They do all the girly things together, no one says anything. 2 Boy best friends: They do all the boy stuff together, no one says anything. 1 Boy + 1 Girl best friends: They do boy and girl stuff, People says lots of stuff.
Ok, this is just the effect of watching the movie "Superbad". It shows how real best friends deal with each other. How the other gets jealous cause the other gets another person as a roommate and some more stuff. It is pretty normal. Best friends get too attached to each other then they get possessive over each other. It usually happens.
Here's one scenario:
Two girls became too close then became best friends after a few months of being classmates. They go through petty fights and stuff but have them solved in a few hours or days. They hangout with other friends together, most of the time, but they also have some old friends of their own whom they also hangout with, separately.
Best friends also consult each other for decisions, like being a little, ok, maybe a lot, dependent on each other at times. What to wear, what to buy, what to do, how to do it, when, where, and the like.
Best friends talk to each other a lot, and make promises and all those I-swear-we're-gonna-be-best-friends-forever stuff. So this other best friend, girl 1, told her best friend that when a guy comes along and courts her (the best friend, girl 2) she would support her all the way, and you know, the usual stuff. Then it happened, a guy came and liked girl 2 and had mutual feelings for the guy. So girl 1 had no other choice but to support her best friend just like she said before.
Days after the courtship of the guy to girl 2, girl 1 suddenly felt something wrong, something strange. Whenever girl 2 talks to her about the guy, her chest hurts like hell like breathing was very hard to do. Found out that girl 1 was just jealous of the guy because of time and attention. (A best friend usually gets most of the time and attention of her best friend, and gets used to it. Now, if it changes, it would really hurt.) And so things went awkward, changed its flow, became different. Girl 2 was left to choose which was more important to her, her best friend who wasn't really ready to let go of her, or the guy she likes and could be her first boyfriend.
This is one of the hardest parts of having a best friend. Both have to be ready for the other to engage into some serious, romantic relationship with another person. A true best friend will never, ever leave his/her best friend hanging just to be with some other person, even if it hurts, especially when the other is not ready to hand her/his best friend to someone. Ok, it has gotten a little complicated. Let's just go back to the scenario.
How did the best friends solve their problem? They talked about it and girl 2 decided to tell the guy to stop courting her. Girl 1 felt guilty yet happy about it and girl 2 was also happy cause she'd rather choose her best friend over the guy, over anything else.
Having a best friend is really hard and complicated, but once you get the hang of it, it sure is fun. Life is just way too better with a best friend beside you to share your life with.
Let us love our best friend/s! Have a nice week ahead of you! :)
P.S. the story/scenario is a true story, it happened to one of my oldest friend and her best friend
P.S.S. sorta happened to me too, but in a different way ;)
*this is so random. and whatever that I wouldn't mind proofreading it cause it's too whatever. Sorry. Whatever ;)