Apr 23, 2010

yes, You've Caught My Attention

Last night as I was wasting my time doing nothing in the internet, I came across the Yahoo Philippines' homepage right after signing out from my mail. So what appears on its homepage? They have their  headlines for today, a column for favorites, more news, some advertisements and some other stuff. But what caught my attention the most was their popular searches at the upper-right part of the page.

That thing in red caught my attention the most, the word 'Jejemon'. Yesterday, it was at the top 2 of their popular searches, but now it descended to the third place. And unsurprisingly, it is also included in their headline news (if that's what it's called) for today.

And because curiosity has taken over me, I clicked on the link: Are you a 'Jejemon'? http://ph.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100422210823AAsB68w
Now, if you try to click on it, it will give you a wider knowledge about this thing that they call JEJEMONS.

I don't really care if this group of persons doing this way of typing an sms (or whatever that there is to type) will continue to annoy me forever. What has become more annoying for me these past few days are the people who condemn these jejemons. They've made a fan page against jejemons, post bad things about them, and condemn them as if they aren't human beings who know how to read and write. And it's as if these anti-jejemons haven't experienced typing that way (or if not, as if they don't have friends who do it that way) or just whatever. Why can't they just go on with their lives and leave those people-who-type-as-if-they-know-nothing-about-correct-spelling alone? These anti-jejemons are acting as if they're superior from these jejemons and as if they know the correct spelling of all the fvcking words in the English Dictionary!

They piss me off more than these jejemons, I'm sorry to say that. Of course, I do get annoyed reading stuff especially text messages typed the way they do because it's just inappropriate and really very annoying. Sometimes that is the reason why I don't get to read the whole message if it's typed that way and yeah, I do spell the words correctly (I bet) in my text messages (yes, no shortcuts for me) because some people get the wrong idea with misspelled words, just like me. But why condemn these people to death? It just ain't right. OK, enough about it.

*Fvck summer classes! You're ruining my vacation!

Here I go again, doing what I do best - RANTING.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone! :D


krissie said...

yea. overrr na ung mga anti-jejemons. murag sabay sa uso lng sila ba. matagal na man yang mga jejemons pero bakit ngaun lng lumabas ang mga yan.

Paula Batuigas said...

Oh dear, ewan ko sa kanila. Bahala sila sa mga buhay nila, wag lang akong idadamay. ;)

krissie said...

lol. tama jod. maannoy nlang hinuon ko sa mga trying hard maging jejemon. pasikat kaaayo. urghhh

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