Nov 30, 2011

November was pretty

I bet this will be my last post for this month. Makes sense since today is the 30th, the last day of the month, and I say this month has been good to me, all too pretty to be forgotten.
*spent the first night of the month with my old friends (high school) and even watched Praybeyt Benjamin with them
*ran for 5 kilometers together with my siblings, and my best friend plus her siblings at the Milo Marathon
 *my brother won as 1st runner-up as their school's Mr. Intrams with the help of our dear friends who were kind enough to support my brother, especially to my best friend, Krissie

 *saw Franco perform, live!

 *finally discovered a place in Davao where tea is served generously at a very cheap price: Kangaroo Coffee Company

The month gave me lots of chances to spend time with the most important people in my life, my family (friends are family, too), despite the busy schedule in the office which makes me rant too much. But my rants gave me inspiration, too! To be my own boss. To start a business with my best friend. Ha-ha
A silly idea, but seriously, I really want to make this idea of ours work in the near future. We're still planning on it though, and we're giving ourselves enough time to think, and think, and think it over again, and again, and again. I will blog about it as soon as I can.
Happy Bonifacio Day!
Tomorrow is my sister's 23rd birthday! I miss her so much. I miss you, Ate Kaka :)
On the 2nd is my other sister's birthday! Come home soon! I'll treat you at Lachi's and Sushi Dito!
*and because my sister, Kaka, is in the U.S. of A right now (still studying) they will both be celebrating their birthdays on the same day! (1st of December in the U.S. falls on the 2nd here in the Philippines because of the 12-hour time difference) I love you both, Kaka and Kikits! :*
Enjoy the rest of the week! :)
That's me. Don't laugh.

Nov 28, 2011


I'm twenty-one and I don't really know where I'm going.
Believe it, or not, I just finished a tv series at past 2 in the morning and had a serious struggle with myself and a fight with our cat. I don't know whichever sounded weirder and I can still here myself palpitating.
Is this just the post-series effect when you get to absorb everything, especially the end part, and force yourself to relate to what you have just watched? Or is it just me, getting all paranoid about it? And it seems like I am because I even used the TV series' title as this post's title.
(11/27/11 - past 9pm)
(I wrote this last night but I fell asleep while typing)
I feel better now and realized that my mind just got all wobbly due to sleeping late, effect of caffeine from yesterday.
The loud noise of the wind just now is trying to send me to sleep, reminding me that tomorrow is another working day. But this book I'm holding wants me to read through it until my eyes say no. I couldn't care less and I've checked my alarm already. 4.45am, it says. I have 6 hours.
I fell asleep, yet again, while typing a supposed continuation of the post. That's pretty normal, though. My friends get amazed on how I can sleep anywhere at any time. May it be in the classroom, sitting on my chair with my head on the desk, having a class or not. Teachers may say it's unfair on their part, but I can't help it, it's a bit if heaven while on a boring or maybe not-so-boring lecture. It's an escape from the harsh world of the academe. That's how I felt back then. But not now. Not anymore.

Nov 23, 2011

Free Time and Food. No, Not Free Food.

I just happened to notice, I got off from work way too early than the usual. Though it got a little delayed since our Christmas party is coming up and my group (yes, we have groupings for our presentation on the 10th of December, and yes, we're serious about it. Haha) had to meet to get into the details of our "Alladin", a musicale presentation. I am part of the ways and means committee and have to become hmmm, more resourceful since we'll be in-charge of the needs of the group, from costumes to food.
At about 7.30, I left the office and went straight home as I always feel excited to go home. And now that I am a bit free (which does not happen too often), I am getting confused on how to use my free time. So here I am, writing a new blog post.
My day at the office didn't get as busy as it usually is. I spent my free time reading blogs about food and restaurants here in Davao, and boy, I caught myself drooling, literally. Well, not literally, of course. OK, that was lame. My boss even told me that it seems like I am not on a diet when she noticed that I've been staring at delish-looking food.
And so I made a list on my notebook of the places to visit and eat whenever I get the chance, and the cash. I've already been to some and I do want to go back because of their undeniably good-tasting food. More than half of what's on my list, I've never been to.
(in no particular order)
*Belito's Vine Yard (Palm Drive, Bajada)
*Kangaroo Coffee Company (Tiongko) I pity myself for not having been here yet
*KopiRoti (spelling?)
*Handuraw Pizza
*Tiny Kitchen
*Zabs Buffet (Roxas Ave.)
*Cafe Marco
*Sushi Dito (aaaahhh! Those photos of Jap food got me salivating again! Ha!)
*Pablo's Steaks & Crabs
*Mamu's Bar (Bacaca)
*Sigol Bab Sang (Korean food)
*Al's Diner
*Cafe Andessa 
*La Piscine Grill & Cafe (Palm Village, beside Bo. Obrero)
*Lachi's (ohmnomnomnomnom)
*Swiss Deli
That's just part one of my list. Some restos that I've not been to in Abreeza are quite fancy, but yea, they're on my part two :)
I wish I could just pig-out without gaining any weight. *wishful thinking in here*

Nov 20, 2011

Bands and Gigs


Gab Alipe w/ the Powerspoonz
Fangirling with Carlos of Up Dharma Down 
 Of course, The Armi of Up Dharma Down
 Franco, 11-19-2011

That's me, fangirling.
I haven't really been to plenty of band gigs, and I haven't been to any concerts. Like real concerts.
I recall attending that Nina, Jimmy Bondoc, and Paolo Santos gig when I was in high school because my older sister needed some chaperon back then. (Or maybe I am just making this up). So my father and I went with her but didn't really sit together since she was with her friends. And after that, I don't remember if I ever went to any more gigs except for the recent ones.
First, was that Up Dharma Down gig at Jack's Ridge, circa December 2010 which I've already blogged about. Second, as you can see above, was the Powerspoonz Vs Urbandub gig last March, which I've also shared from my past post/s. Another, which I reckon is the best ever, was again from Up Dharma Down last September. And just recently, Franco at Abreeza, from last night.
I love the feeling of going to gigs. It makes me feel closer to the people I look up to from the music industry. And hearing their music live is an orgasm to the ears, eargasmic, as they say. I get to witness how bands handle a crowd and also how much their fans love them.
And after that is the hangover mode. It's when you don't listen to any other music except theirs for the next few days, or ever for weeks! Or is just me? Haha!
I am looking forward to seeing these bands again, and many more bands!
But really, I want to see Up Dharma Down play their music live again, and again, and again.


Better be untitled. Rants coming your way.
I now have a valid excuse for myself on why I barely get the chance to write a post. Tah-dah! My laptop's broken. It's been dead for over a month now and I haven't had the chance (money and time to be specific) to have it checked and repaired.
That's what appears when you turn it on. It's too pathetic. Can't retrieve my files. Boo!
So now, I'm kind of trying to tease my mother on handing/lending me hers which is what I am using now.
But I really want my bulky, heavy, and broken laptop back.
Let me rant about now. I am really having a hard time with regards to managing uploaded photos. The settings aren't friendly for non-techie persons. Or is it just me, being a dumbass?
Enough said. Another post coming up! ;)

Laze Yourself

I've ran out of inspiration to write even a short blog post, but when my best friend introduced me to this series entitled "Awkward" I told myself that I will really, really try update my blog as much as I can, and if my 'busy' schedule permits me.
I have decided to stop my monthly-update posts because when I do try to recall all that's happened, the mind goes blank. Just perfect. It's either too many things have happened and can't try to catch up with my memory-recall game, or I just don't remember anything. I do admit that I am very, very forgetful.
Good thing is, I take photos of almost anything with a very helpful friend, my unnamed iPod. I like how it takes photos of the lowest quality, it looks beautiful to me though. And so, when I really want to remember events of the past (past month/weeks/days) I try to check my photo gallery to help me recall. Or I just ask my best friend. She's the best in helping me with details of just about everything.
Most of the time, I get too lazy to stop and recall and decide to just move on with my life, which has become a bad habit of mine. I know that once in a while we need to pause and reflect about the haps and mishaps of our lives. But getting up as early as 4.45 and going home as late as past 23 as my daily routine does not allow me to do such reflection. I don't even get enough rest and I don't think I am getting enough compensation for this when I only receive a little above minimum wage a month. Okay, so now I am ranting. I can't help it. I'm just tired.
But still, and yes, I thank God for each tiny blessing that I get.
Will try to make another post with photos. Thank you!