Nov 28, 2011


I'm twenty-one and I don't really know where I'm going.
Believe it, or not, I just finished a tv series at past 2 in the morning and had a serious struggle with myself and a fight with our cat. I don't know whichever sounded weirder and I can still here myself palpitating.
Is this just the post-series effect when you get to absorb everything, especially the end part, and force yourself to relate to what you have just watched? Or is it just me, getting all paranoid about it? And it seems like I am because I even used the TV series' title as this post's title.
(11/27/11 - past 9pm)
(I wrote this last night but I fell asleep while typing)
I feel better now and realized that my mind just got all wobbly due to sleeping late, effect of caffeine from yesterday.
The loud noise of the wind just now is trying to send me to sleep, reminding me that tomorrow is another working day. But this book I'm holding wants me to read through it until my eyes say no. I couldn't care less and I've checked my alarm already. 4.45am, it says. I have 6 hours.
I fell asleep, yet again, while typing a supposed continuation of the post. That's pretty normal, though. My friends get amazed on how I can sleep anywhere at any time. May it be in the classroom, sitting on my chair with my head on the desk, having a class or not. Teachers may say it's unfair on their part, but I can't help it, it's a bit if heaven while on a boring or maybe not-so-boring lecture. It's an escape from the harsh world of the academe. That's how I felt back then. But not now. Not anymore.


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