Nov 23, 2011

Free Time and Food. No, Not Free Food.

I just happened to notice, I got off from work way too early than the usual. Though it got a little delayed since our Christmas party is coming up and my group (yes, we have groupings for our presentation on the 10th of December, and yes, we're serious about it. Haha) had to meet to get into the details of our "Alladin", a musicale presentation. I am part of the ways and means committee and have to become hmmm, more resourceful since we'll be in-charge of the needs of the group, from costumes to food.
At about 7.30, I left the office and went straight home as I always feel excited to go home. And now that I am a bit free (which does not happen too often), I am getting confused on how to use my free time. So here I am, writing a new blog post.
My day at the office didn't get as busy as it usually is. I spent my free time reading blogs about food and restaurants here in Davao, and boy, I caught myself drooling, literally. Well, not literally, of course. OK, that was lame. My boss even told me that it seems like I am not on a diet when she noticed that I've been staring at delish-looking food.
And so I made a list on my notebook of the places to visit and eat whenever I get the chance, and the cash. I've already been to some and I do want to go back because of their undeniably good-tasting food. More than half of what's on my list, I've never been to.
(in no particular order)
*Belito's Vine Yard (Palm Drive, Bajada)
*Kangaroo Coffee Company (Tiongko) I pity myself for not having been here yet
*KopiRoti (spelling?)
*Handuraw Pizza
*Tiny Kitchen
*Zabs Buffet (Roxas Ave.)
*Cafe Marco
*Sushi Dito (aaaahhh! Those photos of Jap food got me salivating again! Ha!)
*Pablo's Steaks & Crabs
*Mamu's Bar (Bacaca)
*Sigol Bab Sang (Korean food)
*Al's Diner
*Cafe Andessa 
*La Piscine Grill & Cafe (Palm Village, beside Bo. Obrero)
*Lachi's (ohmnomnomnomnom)
*Swiss Deli
That's just part one of my list. Some restos that I've not been to in Abreeza are quite fancy, but yea, they're on my part two :)
I wish I could just pig-out without gaining any weight. *wishful thinking in here*


Kikitz Batuigas said...

I'll engrave Lachi's on a stone. You promised me that blueberry cheesecake. Ha-ha

with love from your adorable sister,
kikits <3

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