Feb 26, 2009

because i said so!

'you have to do it because i said so!'

who'd want to have the kind of person who says this line all the time? so.. demanding. well, maybe if i get a job and work, my boss will have the right to say that sentence to me. but for ordinary people, nah-ah. a major headache.

well maybe my parents have the right to tell me that, but it should come with an explanation i guess. or a clear purpose on why i have to do what they say.
i've always hated people bossing me around. i mean, i can't get along with them well. i remember this time in 4th grade when my former close friend and i were so against this classmate of ours cause she was like the boss for all seasons, like the leader and we always have to follow what she says like she got the best ideas in the world, and so yea, we went against her. you know, kiddie fights. showing her our dirty fingers(middle finger) and we kept on saying 'fuck you.' haha!
and whenever i have a classmate who bosses us around, that classmate will always be the outcast like fuck off, you don't have the right to boss us around. and this only proves that we never want bossy people in our lives. well most of us, if it doesn't include you.
so if you want to boss people around, make sure that you're in the right position to do it. and always think of what you want to let the others do for you. be sensitive enough that sometimes expectations can't be met. you just have to deal with it in a mature way.
or you'll end up being a loser. double loser.


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