oh, i just realized that we still don't have a family picture, that's cool. i wouldn't want to have one. not now.
i have been tagged or whatever you call it on facebook when you're included in the note and you gotta do the same thing, writing 25 things about yourself. oh yea, i can write a million things about myself.
there's just so much anger inside of me. and i don't feel like talking to anyone, not even my best friend. so here i am, talking to the computer?talking to the internet? oh, whatever.
and when i hear love songs such as this song playing on the radio which i used to like, i wanna break that radio into pieces! i might sound stupid right now, and i totally don't care, cause i just don't wan to!
fuck. i just need help.
i don't know if we'll be having our exam in history this afternoon, i haven't read any of my notes, i don't even know if i have one. and i'm not good at it anyway, so who cares.
i haven't eaten my breakfast yet, and i'm not hungry. maybe i can just eat brunch later. i know my best friend i s sooo against it, but i just don't want to eat.
i took an exam in out business statistics subject yesterday and i'm pretty sure that i'm not going to pass. there were only 6, uhm, items and i only answered 3. huh, now who's gonna pass with that. i've always been dumb at statistics, even during high school. i have this seatmate in my statistics subject when i was still in 2ndyr high scool, Ralph Jon Ampoloquio (sorry ralph if ever i mispelled your name), and he's just too brilliant with math. and i'm like, ralph? pano to? anong gagamiting formula? fuck. soo stupid.
i think i'm going to rot in hell when i die. so be it.
my sister just asked for my cellphone number and i'm expecting an sms from her. i don't know what she's gonna tell be but i won't be surprised.
i'm beginning to hate my father. thanks to him, my mum's life has been so fucked up.
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